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The DIB Fellows are a group of graduate and undergraduate students at SEAS who work with the DIB office in the hopes of furthering diversity, inclusion, and belonging efforts at SEAS. Fellows support the following projects and work on their own ideas and initiatives:

  • NetBet PokerRecruitment and outreach for SEAS academic areas particularly focused on groups historically underrepresented in STEM this includes, but is not limited to, underrepresented racially minoritized (URM) students, women, First Generation and Low-Income students, LGBTQAI+ students, and NetBet Pokerstudents who identify as disabled. 
  • Trainings related to issues within DIB and Equity in STEM.
  • Events and programming centered on issues within DIB and Equity in STEM and enhancing the sense of community in SEAS.




Applications for DIB netbet casino appFellows Open in March 2025. Please reach out to Edward Alexander if you would like to be notified when applications open.