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Graduate Degree
Showing 10 of 13 results
Photos of Sai Rajagopal and Bary Lisak

Alumni News Brief

Remembering Ukraine

Alumni help organize medical supply donations at Boston nonprofit

Alumni help organize medical supply donations at Boston nonprofit

Andrew Lund in front of a helicopter

Alumni Profile

Alumni Profile: Andrew Lund, S.M. '18

Saving lives, bringing NetBet CasinoData Science to the Coast Guard

Saving lives, bringing NetBet CasinoData Science to the Coast Guard

Block-neRF rendering of a city street

Alumni News Brief

Synthesizing San Francisco

Casser turns still images into three-dimensional reconstruction of neighborhood

Casser turns still images into three-dimensional reconstruction of neighborhood

image of Ben Cook

Alumni Profile

Alumni profile: Ben Cook, S.M. ’14

NetBet CasinoCarving out a space in the rise of AI-driven agricultural innovation

NetBet CasinoCarving out a space in the rise of AI-driven agricultural innovation