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How a group of seniors and their friends use their NetBet Casinophones offers a glimpse of where consumer technology is heading (Wall Street Journal)

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Harvard University senior Drew Robb is so attached to his cellphone that he keeps it by his bedside netbet casino reviewat night and in his front jeans pocket every day. He uses the Apple iPhone to check email, text his friends and play games, pretty much for everything—except phone calls.

Calling "really slows you down," says the 22-year-old physics and math major from Honolulu.

The way Mr. Robb and his friends use their NetBet Casinophones offers a glimpse of where consumer technology is heading. Their phones are used non-stop for their social lives and their group project to design a mobile guidebook to Cambridge. The friends also show how quickly change is happening: When Mr. Robb's friend Winston NetBet CasinoYan, a 21-year-old physics major from Alexandria, Va., arrived as a freshman in 2006, he had a phone that couldn't send or receive email.

Read the full article in the Wall Street Journal

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