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Math and physics concentrator, working in in the Capasso lab, gets her hands around quantum levitation (Crimson)

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Hamsa Sridhar ’12 works with levitating gold on a regular basis—but the work is neither magical nor costly.

Sridhar, a joint physics and mathematics concentrator, is the only undergraduate researcher involved in a project at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences that seeks to levitate certain micro-particles coated with a thin layer of gold.

Under the direction of netbet live casinoApplied Physics Professor Federico Capasso, Sridhar has to devise feasible ways to coat the micro-particle with gold and magnetic materials.

Before entering the nanofabrication facility at SEAS to coat the micro-particles in gold in her routine procedure, Sridhar must netbet live casinoundergo a number of security measures: she has her iris scanned, and she swathes herself in a complete outfit that includes booties—which go on first, she said—and a white suit.

Read the full article in The Harvard Crimson

netbet casino app Applied Physics

Scientist Profiles

Federico Capasso

Robert L. Wallace Professor of Applied Physics and Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow in Electrical Engineering