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Computer scientist develops and deploys sensor networks for real-world applications

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President Drew Faust has approved the promotion of computer scientist Matt Welsh to full professor and granted him tenure. 

netbet casino reviewWelsh's teaching and research is focused on operating system, network, and language support for large-scale distributed systems. In particular, he develops and deploys sensor networks for real-world applications including neuromotor disease rehabilitation, emergency medical care, monitoring netbet casino reviewvolcanic eruptions, and urban-scale environmental monitoring. 

Further, Welsh is one of the lead investigators for the micro air vehicle NSF Expeditions in Computing grant based at SEAS and serves as Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, the leading journal in the field. 

Welsh earned his B.S. from Cornell University and his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. He will spend the coming academic year on sabbatical, working close by at Google's research facility in Kendall Square.