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Watch panels exploring the promise and peril of shared genetic information and individual rights to genetic information

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A symposium co-hosted by SEAS dean Cherry A. Murray explored some of the thorniest issues related to privacy and netbet casino appgenetic information in the digital age. (Image of Genome Objet at Miraikan courtesy of Flickr user Kam2y.)

Symposium Panel I

Open sourced and crowdsourced: the promise and peril of shared genetic information

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Welcome and Introductory Remarks
  • Cherry A. Murray, Dean, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

  • Leslie Berlowitz, President, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

  • Harvey V. Fineberg, President, Institute of Medicine

  • Charles M. Vest, President, National Academy of Engineering

Moderator: Jeffrey S. Flier, Dean, Harvard Medical School

  • George Church, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, and Director of the Center for Computational Genetics

  • Christine Patch, Ph.D.netbet live casino, R.N., Consultant Genetic Counsellor and Manager, Guys Hospital,London; Chair, British Society of Human Genetics; and member, UK Human Genetics Commission and Professional and Public Policy Committee,European Society for Human Genetics

  • Philip Reilly, M.D., J.D., Venture Partner, Third Rock Ventures

  • Hank Greely, J.D., Professor of Law and Director, of the Center for Law and the Biosciences, Stanford University

  • Latanya Sweeney, Ph.D., Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science, Technology and Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, and Visiting Professor(2010–11), Harvard University and MIT

Symposium Panel II

Individual rights to genetic information: issues for medicine and government

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Moderator: Jonathan Zittrain, Professor, Harvard Law School, Kennedy School of Government and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

  • Art Beaudet, M.D., Henry and Emma Meyer Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine

  • Gaia Bernstein, J.S.D., LL.M., J.D., Professor of Law, Seton Hall University

  • Michele Caggana, Sc. D., Deputy Director, Division of Genetics, Chief of the Laboratory of Human Genetics and Director of the Newborn Screening Program, State of New York

  • netbet live casinoJohn Schumann, M.D., practicing physician, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Faculty Associate of the Mac Lean Center for Medical Ethics, University of Chicago

  • Dan Vorhaus, J.D., attorney specializing in genomics and personalized medicine and Editor, Genomics Law Report

About the Event

Members of the National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and American Academy of Arts and Sciences gathered at the American Academy's facility in Cambridge, MA, on April 14, 2011 for a Symposium on Privacy, Autonomy, and Personal netbet casino appgenetic information in netbet casino appthe Digital Age, organized by Cherry A. Murray, Dean of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. This video captures the opening remarks and first panel.

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