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Science & Cooking netbet casino appFair highlights undergraduates' unusual (and edible) science projects

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Photos from the Science & Cooking Fair on December 10, 2012.

Harvard's annual Science & Cooking Fair showcases and celebrates undergraduate students' final projects in the highly popular general education course NetBet PokerSPU 27: Science & Cooking—From Haute Cuisine to Soft-Matter Science.

Combining rigorous work in applied physics and chemistry with the principles and style of modernist cuisine, the course attracts students from a very wide range of concentrations and exposes them to the fundamentals of physical science.

Developed at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) in collaboration with the Alícia Foundation, the course is taught by SEAS professors Michael Brenner and David Weitz.

To learn about a few of the students' projects and view a slideshow of photos from the December 10 fair (on Facebook), click here.

The entire public lecture series, featuring special guest chefs and cutting-edge cuisine, is also now available on YouTube.

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Photos by Eliza Grinnell, Harvard SEAS Communications.

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