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Awards support early-career researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and potential

Demba Ba and Shmuel Rubenstein

Assistant professors netbet live casinoDemba Ba (left) and Shmuel Rubinstein have been named 2016 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellows. (Photo by Eliza Grinnell, Harvard SEAS.)

Electrical engineer Demba Ba and applied physicist Shmuel Rubinstein, assistant professors at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), have been named 2016 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellows.

They are among 126 Fellows selected from the United States and Canada this year in recognition of netbet live casino“distinguished performance and a unique ability to make substantial contributions to their field.”

The $50,000 award to each Fellow will support Ba’s research in the area of computational neuroscience and Rubinstein’s work in the field of non-linear physics.

“We are delighted that the Sloan Foundation has recognized Demba and Shmuel for their outstanding promise,” said Frank Doyle, John A. Paulson Dean and John A. & Elizabeth S. Armstrong Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences. “It is a great NetBet Pokerindicator of the trajectory of SEAS, when two of our most recent faculty hires are recognized among the top early-career scientists.”

Ba, who joined the SEAS faculty last fall, explores large-scale dynamic systems and develops theories and algorithms to understand and control those systems. Rubinstein, a SEAS faculty member since July 2013, studies the physics of complex systems and non-linear dynamics that take place at interfaces, like frictional sliding, the splashing netbet live casinoof drops, and the formation of biofilms.

Previous Sloan Fellows at SEAS have included Ryan Adams (2015), Ariel Amir (2015), Stephen Chong (2014), Krzysztof Gajos (2013), Vinothan Manoharan (2011), Marko Loncar (2010), Todd Zickler (2008), and Maurice Smith (2007).

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a philanthropic, not-for-profit institution that supports original research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics.

Demba Ba: Computational netbet casino reviewNeuroscience, Signal Processing, and Network Science

In this video, Demba Ba, a 2016 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, discusses his work at SEAS.

Scientist Profiles

Demba Ba

Gordon McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering

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