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Wireless magnetic fields and actuator “muscles” allow folding robots to move without batteries

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(Image courtesy of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering)

This textile-based sensor effectively registers fine motor movements of the human body, taking researchers one step closer to creating soft, wearable robots. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University


(CAMBRIDGE, Mass) — The traditional Japanese art of origami transforms a simple sheet of paper into complex, three-dimensional shapes through a very specific pattern of folds, creases, and crimps. Folding robots based on that principle have emerged as an exciting new frontier of robotic design, but generally require onboard netbet casino reviewbatteries or a wired connection to a power source, making them bulkier and clunkier than their paper inspiration and limiting their functionality. A team of researchers at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering has created battery-free folding robots that are capable of complex, repeatable movements powered and controlled through a wireless magnetic field.

“Like origami, one of the main points of our design is simplicity,” says co-author Je-sung Koh, Ph.D., who conducted the research as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wyss Institute and SEAS and is now an Assistant Professor at Ajou University in South Korea. “This system requires only basic, passive electronic components on the robot to deliver an electric current - the structure of the robot itself takes care of the rest.”

The research is reported in Science Robotics.

The research team’s robots are flat and thin (resembling the paper on which they’re based) plastic tetrahedrons, netbet casino appwith the three outer triangles connected to the central triangle by hinges, and a small circuit on the central triangle. Attached to the hinges are coils made of a type of metal called shape-memory alloy (SMA) that can recover its original shape after deformation by being heated to a certain temperature. When the robot’s hinges lie flat, the SMA coils are stretched out in their “deformed” state; when an electric current is passed through the circuit and the coils heat up, they spring back to their original, relaxed state, contracting like tiny muscles and folding the robots’ outer triangles in toward the center. When the current stops, the SMA coils are stretched back out due to the stiffness of the flexure hinge, thus lowering the outer triangles back down.

The power that creates the electrical current needed for the robots’ movement is delivered wirelessly using electromagnetic power transmission, the same technology inside wireless charging pads that recharge the batteries in cell phones and other NetBet Pokersmall electronics. An external coil with its own power source generates a magnetic field, which induces a current in the circuits in the robot, thus heating the SMA coils and inducing folding. In order to control which coils contract, the team built a resonator into each coil unit and tuned it to respond only to a very specific electromagnetic frequency. By changing the frequency of the external magnetic field, they were able to induce each SMA coil to contract independently from the others.

“Not only are our robots’ folding motions repeatable, we can control when and where they happen, which enables more complex movements,” explains lead author Mustafa Boyvat, Ph.D., also a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wyss Institute and SEAS.

Just like the muscles in the human body, the SMA coils can only contract and relax: it’s the structure of the body of the robot - the origami “joints” - that translates those contractions into specific movements. To demonstrate this capability, the team built a small robotic arm capable of bending NetBet Casinoto the left and right, as well as opening and closing a gripper around an object. The arm is constructed with a special origami-like pattern to permit it to bend when force is applied, and two SMA coils deliver that force when activated while a third coil pulls the gripper open. By changing the frequency of the magnetic field generated by the external coil, the team was able to control the robot’s bending and gripping motions independently.

There are many applications for this kind of minimalist robotic technology; for example, rather than having an uncomfortable endoscope put down their throat to assist a doctor with surgery, a patient could just swallow a micro-robot that could move around and perform simple tasks, like holding tissue or filming, powered by a coil outside their body. Using a much larger source coil - on the order of yards in diameter - could enable wireless, battery-free communication between multiple “smart” objects in an entire home. The team built a variety of NetBet Pokerrobots - from a quarter-sized flat tetrahedral robot to a hand-sized ship robot made of folded paper - to show that their technology can accommodate a variety of circuit designs and successfully scale for devices large and small.

“There is still room for miniaturization. We don’t think we went to the limit of how small these can be, and we’re excited to further develop our designs for biomedical applications,” Boyvat says. 

This technology gives a great answer to that question by turning it on its head: you don’t need to put a battery on it, you can power it in a different way

“When people make micro-robots, the question is always asked, ‘How can you put a battery on a robot that small?’ This technology gives a great answer to that question by turning it on its head: you don’t need to put a battery on it, you can power it in a different way,” says corresponding author Rob Wood, the Charles River Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences at SEAS, and a Core Faculty member at the Wyss Institute who co-leads its Bioinspired Robotics Platform.

This work was supported netbet casino reviewby the National Science Foundation award No. CCF-1138967, the ARL DURIP program award No. W911NF-13-1-0311, and the Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Scientist Profiles

Robert J. Wood

Harry Lewis and Marlyn McGrath Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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