Student Profile

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By Alana Davitt, A.B. ’19, SEAS Correspondent

Sophomores Andrea Rodriguez-Marin Freudmann (left) and Daisy Evariz, both mechanical engineering concentrators and members of the Harvard SEAS Society of Women Engineers, made sure the bounce house was properly tested. (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications.)

Engineers know how to have fun! On Saturday, April 21, the SEAS community came out in droves to the lawn by Pierce Hall for food, games, a little netbet casino reviewcompetition, and a lot of community building. The "Field Day" event was sponsored by the Harvard College Engineering Society (HCES), alongside many other SEAS affiliated clubs such as Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).

Countless pre-freshmen from the class of 2022, who were on campus for Visitas weekend, stopped by to chat with upper-classmen and also to compete in netbet casino reviewthe coveted bridge building competition —a scaled down version of many engineering class final projects. Students worked in teams to design a bridge out of popsicle sticks that could support the heaviest load.

Overall SEAS Field Day was a great opportunity for the community to enjoy a short respite from problem sets and to engage outside of the classroom.

How many engineers does it take to serve cotton candy? (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications)

netbet casino reviewSEAS students play Frisbee with visiting pre-freshmen. (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications.)

Mary Agajanian (right), S.B. '19, a mechanicaleEngineering concentrator, helps friends set up lawn games for the event. (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications.)

SEAS students visit with members of the Class of 2022 and their families. (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications.)

SEAS students enjoy the beautiful spring weather. (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications.)

Bioengineering concentrator McKenna Roberts, S.B. '19, and social studies netbet casino appconcentrator Gabby Schultz, A.B. '21, show their sisters, Kate and Maggie, both newly accepted Harvard students, around the SEAS campus. (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications.)

Pre-freshmen and current students prep for the bridge building event. (Photo by Alana Davitt/SEAS Communications.)