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Why electrical engineering?

“Electrical engineering is incredible. There's netbet casino reviewsuch a broad range of applications in the real world, from power engineering to nano-electronics. I've always enjoyed learning about devices/electronic gadgets, and I love learning about the intricacies and complexities that go into what we take advantage netbet casino appof as ‘everyday’ technology.”

Favorite project?

“I had the opportunity to intern in the Space Electronics Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory last summer. My primary project consisted of designing the digital electronics for a satellite. The learning NetBet Pokercurve was quite steep, but I really couldn't have asked for a better internship experience.”

Life goals?

“As of now, my goals are to keep honing my skills in electrical engineering, whether that's pursuing a graduate degree or going into the industry. Everything'NetBet Casinos a bit up in the air, but I'm interested in applications of electronics in aerospace/defense.”

- By Alana Davitt, A.B. '19, SEAS Correspondent