Student Profile

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Julia Ernst, S.B. ’18, bioengineering

Advisors: Ryan Truby, postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Jennifer Lewis, Hansjorg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering, and Tyler Clites, Ph.D. student in the Harvard-MIT Health netbet casino reviewSciences and Technology program

Because prosthetic devices are often poorly made and ill-fitting, more than a quarter of prosthesis wearers experience severe pain and discomfort and inevitably stop using their artificial limbs. Ernst developed a prosthetic socket-integrated sensing system to measure the pressure and shear forces NetBet Casinothat are the biggest contributors to patient discomfort. Her lightweight sensors have a biocompatible adhesive backing and are created from ultrathin components using a multi-material 3D printer. The soft, capacitive sensors are easier to integrate into a prosthetic socket than the standard rigid sensors, and because they are 3D printed, cost less netbet casino appthan per sensor. Ernst’s system can help prosthetists identify regions of excessive stress on the residual limb, enabling them to reshape a patient’s prosthetic socket to reduce pressure on sensitive regions and improve overall comfort.

“Last summer, I was able to pursue my passion for prosthetics by volunteering at an Ecuadorian prosthetic netbet casino reviewclinic. Through dozens of conversations with patients, I learned that many amputees experience severe pain and discomfort while wearing their prosthetic devices,” she said. “When I returned to campus this past fall, I was inspired to develop a device to help prosthetists design safer, more comfortable sockets.”