Alumni News Brief

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Chávez has been elected president of Harvard’s Board of Overseers for the 2020-21 academic year

Martin Chavez

Martin Chávez, A.B. ’85, S.M. ’85 (computer science), has been elected president of Harvard’s Board of Overseers for the 2020-21 academic year.

Elected to the Overseers in 2015, Chávez will serve in the board’s top leadership role for the final year netbet casino reviewof his six-year term. The board directs the visitation process, the primary means for periodic external assessment of Harvard’s schools and departments.

Chávez recently retired after a nearly two-decade career at Goldman Sachs, NetBet Pokerwhere he served in senior roles, including chief information officer, chief financial officer, and global co-head of the securities division, the firm’s largest operating unit.

Read more in the Harvard Gazette.

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