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Researchers chosen for their “creativity, innovation, and research accomplishments”

image of Marianna Linz and Melanie Weber

netbet live casinoProfessors Marianna Linz (left) and Melanie Weber (right). Credit: Eliza Grinnell/Harvard SEAS

Melanie Weber, Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics and of Computer Science, and Marianna Linz, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have been selected to receive a 2024 Sloan Research Fellowship. Weber and Linz, who is also a member of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (NetBet CasinoFAS), are among 126 U.S. and Canadian researchers chosen for their “creativity, innovation, and research accomplishments.”

Weber, whose fellowship is in Mathematics, joined SEAS in 2022. Her research explores the interaction of geometry and machine learning to develop better algorithms, especially when data and resources are limited. Many applications in machine learning and data science include data and models with geometric structure.  At SEAS, Weber’s research focuses on utilizing such structure for the design of efficient machine learning and optimization methods with provable guarantees. 

Weber received her Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2021 and her undergraduate degree from the University of Leipzig in 2016. Prior to joining Harvard, Weber was a Hooke Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. 

Linz joined the SEAS faculty in 2019. Her research seeks to understand the physics of the current climate system to better netbet casino appunderstand what to expect with climate change. Linz’s work explores a broad range of topics within climate dynamics, including the distribution of trace gases in the stratosphere, temperature extremes in the troposphere, and heat transport in the ocean. 

She earned her undergraduate degrees in chemistry and physics and earth and planetary science from Harvard in 2011, then received her Ph.D. in physical oceanography at MIT in 2017.

Weber and Linz are among netbet live casinosix Harvard faculty named as 2024 Sloan Fellows. 

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Scientist Profiles

Melanie Weber

Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics and of Computer Science

Press Contact

Leah Burrows | 617-496-1351 |