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The secondary field in Mathematical Sciences is jointly sponsored by netbet casino reviewthe Mathematics Department and the Applied Mathematics concentration.

Requirements: 4 courses

Four courses in either Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or Statistics of which at most two can be in Statistics. The Mathematics and Applied Mathematics courses must be numbered 104 or higher; Statistics courses must be numbered 110 or higher.

Other Information

Courses must be taken for a letter grade and cannot be taken Pass/Fail. NetBet CasinoOnly courses with a grade of C- or above can be counted. Students who study abroad or take courses within Harvard Summer School can count course credits toward the secondary field by petitioning for such course to be counted as the equivalent to an approved, Harvard course.

Note: No exception to these requirements has ever been granted, even for courses with significant mathematical content.

Advising Resources and Expectations

NetBet PokerStudents interested in pursuing a secondary field in Mathematical Sciences should use my.harvard to add the secondary field.  Students who would like to arrange a meeting to discuss their course choices can email or can contact the Math Department.