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Through teaching and collaborative research, SEAS discovers, designs, netbet casino reviewand creates novel technologies and approaches to societal challenges—in service to the world, the nation, and our community. We bridge disciplines, both within engineering and the applied sciences and beyond, to prepare broadly trained leaders, to advance foundational science, and to achieve translational impact.


By playing an important role in the education of all Harvard students NetBet Pokerand shaping Harvard’s identity as a university, SEAS will train the next generation of leaders. Our vision is for a SEAS that is…

  • netbet casino app– A collaborative, tightly-knit community of scholars, educators and innovators, SEAS will be a model for diversity and inclusion at Harvard and beyond.
  • World-changing – Our research and education will make a difference to people's lives, and will benefit humanity.
  • Contextual – By melding rigorous analytical thinking within a liberal arts context, SEAS will prepare the next generation of ethical, engaged, visionary and innovative leaders.
  • Convergent – SEAS will be a point of intersection and impact for many disciplines and for many Schools.
  • Agile – SEAS will catalyze new opportunities enabled by an expanded campus, growing enrollments, and an increased array NetBet Pokerof partnerships and programs.