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Frequently Asked Questions

How can my company or netbet live casinoorganization tap into Harvard's innovation ecosystem?

Harvard partners with industry in a number of ways. Whether your organization is interested in research, direct interaction with students and faculty, or partnership on multiple levels, the SEAS Office of Industry Partnerships will work with you to craft an engagement strategy that reflects your company’s interests.

netbet live casinoWhere can I go to explore licensing of innovations developed at Harvard?

Harvard’s Office of Technology Development (OTD) can help you to access groundbreaking research and innovations that meet your needs. The University has a strong track record of forging mutually beneficial relationships with industry partners who share our mission of translating University innovations into products netbet live casinoand services that benefit the public. Explore innovations by research area and contact Harvard OTD to start a conversation.

As an investor, where can I learn about emerging startups?

Harvard Office of Technology Development excels at convening leaders who have the vision to bring transformative technologies to market. Contact Harvard OTD to hear more about what’s on the horizon.

What are some examples netbet live casinoof startups that have launched to commercialize Harvard innovations?

Harvard innovations have formed the basis of many new startup companies in Massachusetts and around the world. Harvard's Office of Technology Development describes some of the Harvard startups with origins in academic research that are now striving to impact education, health care, food and agriculture, NetBet Casinoenergy, sustainability, high-tech goods, and more. 

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Harvard Office of Technology Development list of resources: Resources for Entrepreneurs