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Tips for staff on preparing for vacation

After the past year, taking time away from work and professional responsibilities has become particularly important. The SEAS-HUCTW Joint Council would like to netbet casino appshare some tips and tricks if you are preparing for time away from the office:

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    • Notify and prepare your colleagues, PI, research groups, etc., by letting them know when you will be out of the office and who will be covering for you in your absence. 
  • Ensure Good Coverage 
    • netbet casino reviewEnsure that there’s good coverage for core work tasks in your absence by working with your supervisor and team members.
  • Designate a “Dig Out Day”
    • Dedicate the day you return to the office as a “Dig Out Day.” Try not to schedule any meetings so you can spend the day NetBet Casinoreading and responding to emails or following up on action items.  
  • Take extended time off of a week or more or consider using vacation days to schedule long weekends throughout the summer.
  •  Remember to use personal days as they do not roll over each year.