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Highest honors

Michigan Tech has named faculty member David A. Edwards the winner of its highest honor, the Melvin Calvin Medal of Distinction

Fond farewell

David Turnbull, whose last appointment was Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics, died on April 28th. Since 1992, the Materials Research Society has awarded a lectureship prize in his name


The May/June issue of NetBet PokerHarvard Magazine is chock-full of SEAS news

Glass works

Jonathan Kamler '07, a physics student in ES 147, Idea Translation, has been awarded a special commendation by the Harvard College Entrepreneurship Forum for his intelligent glass concept

Guggenheim fellow

Computer scientist Salil Vadhan is among the the 189 artists, scholars, and scientists bestowed with a Guggenheim Fellowship

Beautiful music

Patrick Wolfe provided expertise on all things audio for a PRX radio piece about Igor Stravinsky's recording of compositions in the American Legion Hall.

Bill Gates to speak at Commencement

William H. (Bill) Gates, NetBet Pokera member of the class of 1977, will be the principal speaker at the Afternoon Exercises during Harvard's 356th Commencement on June 7