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In order to develop this important academic skill, SEAS PhD students teach as a Teaching Fellow (TF) at quarter time (0.25 FTE) for at least one semester in a SEAS course NetBet Casinoor in an FAS course (excluding Summer or Extension courses) taught by a SEAS faculty member.   Students who were admitted via the Harvard Quantum Initiative may also teach in an FAS course (excluding Summer or Extension courses) taught by an HQI faculty member.

New TFs are expected to attend the appropriate sessions of the Derek Bok Center's Fall Teaching Week or Winter Teaching Conference.

Serving as a TF is optional for masters students.

TF appointments are arranged between the individual student and course head; students are encouraged NetBet Pokerto contact course heads about opportunities well in advance of the start of the semester in which they would like to teach.  Students should first consult with their advisor about seeking a teaching appointment.

Resources for TFs include

Teaching Fellow Registration

If you are planning to serve as a TF, once you have confirmed with the netbet casino appcourse instructor that you will serve as a TF and that the instructor has an allocation available for you, please fill out the online "TF form" available here.

Please fill it out as soon as possible prior to the beginning of the semester in order to avoid processing, payroll, and advisor grant certification issues.  Please also submit the form even if you will TF outside of SEAS (e.g., in FAS) so we can work with the appropriate program or department to process. Questions can be directed to Sarah Colgan in the Office of Academic ProgramsNote that not all courses have TF allocations available prior to the course registration deadline, so please check with the instructor first. TF allocations made after the course registration deadline will be processed at that time.