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Donald F. Claflin

  • netbet live casino
  • Facilities Operations 
  • Maintenance and Repairs
Adam Gillis

Adam Gillis

  • SEAS Cambridge - Area Manager
  • Facilities Operations 
  • Maintenance and Repairs

Michael Gello

  • SEAS Cambridge - Building Manager
  • Facilities Operations 
  • Maintenance and Repairs

Jason R Ortega

  • SEAS Cambridge - Administrative Coordinator
  • building access / keys
  • work order requests
Javier Madrigal

Javier Madrigal

  • SEAS Allston - Administrative Coordinator
  • building access / keys
  • work order requests
  • SEAS Allston - Manager of Facility Systems

Tenzin Dawoe

  • Allston Campus - Senior Applications Engineer
Dina Adams

Dina Adams

  • SEAS Cambridge & Allston - Service Center Manager
  • for more Service Center information please visit the Service Center website.

Lisa Trovato-Powers

  • SEAS Cambridge & Allston - Service Center Coordinator 
  • for more Service Center information please visit the Service Center website.
Jessica Landry

Jessica Landry

  • SEAS Cambridge & Allston - Service Center Assistant
  • for more Service Center information please visit the Service Center website.