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Description and Eligibility

Fellows are paid or unpaid appointees performing NetBet Casinoresearch under the sponsorship of a principal investigator; often non-SEAS graduate students; a bachelor's degree is required. 

  • May be reappointed annually, and may not remain a Fellow for more than three years
  • Not considered Harvard students and therefore ineligible for resources and benefits only available to Harvard students
  • Three month minimum appointment
  • May be paid or unpaid. If paid, the Fellow typically receives a monthly stipend.  The option to provide netbet casino appsalary with benefits is available with approval from the assistant dean. 

Please see the FAS Appointment and Promotion Handbook  for additional details and policies and procedures regarding Fellow appointments, netbet live casinowhich are governed by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS).

Appointment Checklist (for Administrators)

For new appointments of fellows, the following information should be provided to the relevant Academic Appointments Manager:

Fellows will be required to sign a Visitor Participation Agreement and the Acknowledgement of Risk and Release (if unpaid) before their appointment can begin.

Visa Information

See the Harvard International Office Visa Information page