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The Supplier Portal provides self-service capabilities for companies and individuals to upload and maintain their supplier information including contacts, addresses, tax documentation, service offerings, diversity status and more. The portal offers transparent workflow to make supplier management easier.

Please reach out to for any of the following supplier portal requests:

  • NetBet Casino
    • To Request a new supplier, the subject header of the email should read: New Supplier Request – “Supplier Name”
    • The Request should include the following information:
      • Supplier Name
      • Supplier Contact name and email address
      • Is this a company or individual?
      • Is this a foreign or domestic supplier?
      • What type of payment do you need to make?
        • Purchase of goods only
        • Purchase of services
        • Reimbursement only
        • Other taxable payment to Individual
  • Add/Remove an Address
    • Subject Header of Request should read:  New Site Add – “Supplier Name” or Remove Site – “Supplier Name”
    • The email should include the name of the company/individual needing the new site, netbet casino reviewalong with the address that needs to be added/removed.
  • Reactivate a Supplier
    • Subject Header of Request should read:  Reactivate Supplier Request – “Supplier Name”
    • The email should include the name of the company/individual needing to be reactivated, along with a contact person’s name and email.
  • Other
    • For any other requests such a need to change the supplier name or update their payment information, please reach out to with the subject header “Supplier Portal Request – Supplier Name”
    • In the email indicate what assistance is needed and include the name of the company/individual, along with a contact person’s name and email.

Tips & Tricks:

Search for a supplier before you send a request to add NetBet Pokera new supplier – your supplier may already be in the portal. Click here for a reference guide dedicated to Supplier Search.

Status Updates and Notifications:

  • To check the status of an Invite, search for the supplier in the Supplier Search. From here, you can view the registration status (in progress, completed) and the last updated date.
  • Registration status of “Complete” means the supplier has completed their registration, but it does not mean it is an active supplier in B2P just yet.
  • You can see everything that has been done to the supplier record by clicking “View History”.
  • You will see a green check in the “Active for Shopping” field in the netbet casino appsupplier’s profile when they are available to process payment to in B2P.
  • FinOps will send a follow-up email when the supplier request has been completed.

If you encounter any additional supplier concerns or questions, please reach out to