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Use of Harvard’s technology resources is intended to assist in fulfilling the education, research, and services missions of the University. All users have the responsibility to use these resources in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner (“reasonable use”).

All technology resources NetBet Casino(e-mail, telephone, voicemail, computer hardware and software, internet access, and the campus computer network) are property of the University.

Technology Acceptable Use Policy

The computing resources at SEAS are the property of SEAS and Harvard University. Employees should have no expectation or right of privacy in the use of technological equipment and systems owned by the University and should note that electronically recorded information is discoverable in a legal action, whether initiated internally within Harvard or externally by an outside party or law enforcement agency.

As is with any Harvard-owned or subsidized device, NetBet Pokernetwork, and other resources, including, but not limited to landline telephones, cellular telephones, computers or PDA device, photocopier, email accounts, incidental personal use is permissible so long as the activity is not illegal, does not conflict with workplace needs or policy, does not interfere with job requirements or responsibilities, and does not result in added cost and/or security breach to SEAS or the University. No Harvard resources may be used for private business purposes.

Any supervisor or authorized SEAS Information Technology representative may question an employee’s use of technology NetBet Pokerif they suspect it is interfering with the work of the office, IT security, or any part of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy. Where a potentially illegal activity is detected, SEAS may be required to report the activity to the appropriate law enforcement authority, and specific sanctions may result.

To report any breach of IT security or violation of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy at SEAS or elsewhere at Harvard, please promptly contact

SEAS users are required to comply with Harvard’s Enterprise Security Policy, which addresses issues such as safe computing practices and the handling NetBet Casinoof high risk confidential information (HRCI).