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netbet casino review: These programs are offered every year. The deadlines are usually in early fall for a summer internship.

1. RISE Germany - research/internships at German universities

2. Ruhr Fellowship - two weeks of German language followed by 6 weeks of internship at different companies

3. TUM Practical Research Experience Program at the Technical University of Munich 

4. ETH Summer Research Internship: Dept. of Computer Science Zürich

5. UROP Aachen - Undergraduate Research Opportunity at RWTH

6. Institute of Science and Technology Austria - summer internships

Resources for Graduates:

1. Dr. Wilhelmy-GSO Travel Expense Program Funding opportunity for your travels for interviews at German Universities

2. Short term Grants Programm 2022 in International Excellence at University of Bayreuth/ Germany

Experience Bayreuth University  netbet casino review– Collaboration with Local Host

This  Short Term Grant allows to carry out your own research projects in cooperation with a local host 

3. Research Explorer Ruhr - explore the research landscape in the Ruhr Area