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PCAs serve as peer advisors for pre-concentrators (and current concentrators), providing a valuable perspective and helping students to discover additional resources and opportunities.

If you would like to be matched to a PCA, you can do one of the following:

  1. Reach out by email to a PCA with similar academic, career, or extracurricular interests by exploring their bios below. 
  2. Get paired with a PCA by filling out the Find my PCA Google Form. While we recognize some students might know exactly what they are looking for, we are happy to help pair you. 

If you are interested in becoming a PCA, contact


Matthew Andrews (Co-Captain)


Headshot of PCA Matthew Andrews

Hey! My name is Matthew and I am a junior studying Applied Math with a focus in Economics in Eliot House hailing from Pretoria, South Africa. On campus I’m the co-president of Woodbridge (the international student society), a CS 50 TF, a PAF, and do research. I'm interested in finance, economics, and economic policy and I spent my sophomore summer doing.research on industrial policy in Malaysia. I've benefited a lot from reaching out and asking my PCAs for advice so I'd love to help wherever I can be it classes, extracurriculars, teaching, research, finance or anything else.


Janice Nam (Co-Captain)


Headshot of PCA Janice Nam

Hi! My name is Janice, and I am a junior living in Quincy House studying Applied Math on the Sociology Track with a secondary in CS + citation in Spanish. On campus, I’m involved with PBHA’s Boston Refugee Youth Enrichment (BRYE) 1-2-1, the Harvard Korean Association, and the Harvard College Consulting Group. I’ve also studied abroad in Spain and interned with a healthcare non-profit in Burundi! I love reading (just finished The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion!), cooking, and trying new restaurants in my free time. If you want to chat or ask any questions about the Sociology Track, choosing courses, etc. feel free to reach out! I’m happy to meet you!


Raquel "Rocky" Aguirre


Headshot of PCA Raquel "Rocky" Aguirre

Hi! My name is Rocky Aguirre; I'm a junior in Eliot House studying Applied Math on the biological sciences track with a secondary in Molecular & Cellular Biology. I have always been very drawn to the sciences and analytics, so AM was the perfect mix for me. On campus, I am involved with the Fuerza Latina club and also a part of the Varsity Women’s Volleyball team. Outside of school, I’ve worked in the consulting industry but I am also interested in pursuing data science as a profession. During my free time, I enjoy reading (all kinds of genres) and watching movies (big Marvel and Harry Potter fan). Please reach out with any questions about AM-bio or if you just want to chat!


Kushal Chattopadhyay


Headshot of PCA Kushal Chattopadhyay


Hey! I'm Kushal Chattopadhyay, a junior studying Applied Math with a specialization netbet casino reviewin Economics and Computer Science. I'm in Adams House and am originally from sunny Fremont, California! Some of my interests include theoretical and applied machine learning research, which I pursue with the IACS here at Harvard as well as with various labs at MIT, urban economics, and data science. I'm currently exploring deep learning such as computer vision and natural language processing, especially with regards to self-driving cars! On campus, I'm involved in organizations such as the Harvard Undergraduate Machine Intelligence Community, MIT's autonomous boat team Arcturus, and the Harvard Open Data Project, as well as the Bengali Association for Students at Harvard and various courses as a TF (most recently Econ 50). I also love learning languages (am currently improving my German and Japanese), trying new food from around the world, and hip-hop music! I have experience in ML / DL research, urban economics, quantitative finance, software development, and management consulting among many other fields! Happy to chat about any of the aforementioned topics, as well as about MIT cross-enrollment and research or economics / computer science / math and stats coursework!


Victoria Eisenhauer


Headshot of PCA Victoria Eisenhauer

Hi! My name is Victoria Eisenhauer and I am a senior in Pfoho studying AM on the Economics track with a secondary in Mind, Brain, Behavior. I am fascinated by behavioral economics, specifically how social factors and human emotions can shape decision-making. On campus, I’m part of the Women's Swim and Dive Team, Smart Women Securities netbet casino review& Project SWIM. I am currently working on completing my thesis research to model episodic memory and decision-making in humans. In my free time, I love playing various sports and card games along with finding the tastiest Italian & dessert places in the area (feel free to send any recommendations my way!). I am super excited to be a PCA this year and support the AM community as best as I can! Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about AM/Ec, AM application areas, writing a thesis, balancing extracurriculars, or anything in between! I'm always open to chat and grab coffee :)


Emily Figueiredo

Email: emilyfigueiredo@college.harvard.Edu

Headshot of PCA Emily Figueiredo

Hi! My name is Emily Figueiredo, and I am a junior in Quincy House. I am studying Applied Mathematics on the Data Science track, with a secondary in Computer Science. In addition to being a peer concentration advisor, I am also a course assistant for Math 1a. Outside of academics, I love hiking, reading, traveling, soccer, and board games. I’m very excited to be a PCA this year, and I can’t wait to connect with you. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or simply want to chat!


Mads Groeholdt


Headshot of PCA Mads Groeholdt

Hi! My name is Mads and I am a junior from Oslo, Norway living in Eliot House and studying AM-Ec with a secondary in Statistics. Outside of academics, I am an athlete on the varsity ski team and do research in Economics. As for my professional career, I have gained experience in Software Engineering, Data Analytics, and software-focused Private Equity over the summers in college as well as over a gap-year NetBet Casinobefore beginning school. Outside of school I enjoy sports, poker, and trying out new places to eat ice cream (like this little shop in Croatia). Feel free to reach out if you have questions related to academics, student-athletics, professional life, or anything else!


Jessica Liang


Headshot of PCA Jessica Liang

Hi everyone! My name is Jess and I'm a junior in Currier studying AM/Bio with a secondary in chemistry. I'm really interested in biochemistry, computational biology, and octopuses, and I do research in the CCB department studying all of these! On campus, I'm pretty involved in research and hope to go to grad school in a biology-flavored field. I'm also a member of Harvard Taekwondo and a course assistant for LS50. I'm super excited to be a PCA this year, and please reach out about AM/Bio, research, grad school, martial arts, or anything else you have questions about!


Arjun Nageswaran


Headshot of PCA Arjun Nageswaran

Hi, I'm Arjun! I'm a junior concentrating in applied math-economics in Quincy House. I'm interested in government policy and economic research, and my favorite thing about the concentration is the flexible way you get to pick and choose the classes to build a course schedule that supports your interests. Happy to talk anytime about courses or anything else applied math/econ related!


Gabriel Sun


Headshot of Gabriel Sun

Hi! My name is Gabe, and I’m a junior in Cabot House originally from Palm Beach County, Florida. I’m concentrating in Applied Math (Ec & CS) and am pursuing a concurrent master’s in Statistics. I'm interested netbet casino appin utilizing data science to improve human decision-making in a variety of contexts. At Harvard, I’ve worked as a research assistant and a course assistant in the Economics Department. I’m the Co-Director of Research for the Harvard College Economics Labs, through which I’ve worked with partner organizations such as the U.S. Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation. I’ve also previously interned at a climate tech startup. Some of my other interests include piano, tennis, speedcubing, and foreign languages. Feel free to reach out to me about classes, research, internships, or anything else you want to chat about!


Jennifer Xiong


Headshot of PCA Jennifer Xiong

Hi! My name is Jennifer, and I'm a junior in Lowell House studying Applied Math on the Economics and Computer Science track with a secondary in Philosophy. On campus, I'm Co-President of the Harvard Undergraduate Association for U.S.-China Relations and a Teaching Fellow for CS50. In my free time, I love to dance and travel. Don't hesitate to reach out about classes, the Ec/CS track, or AM in general - I'd love to meet you!


Dina Zeldin


Headshot of PCA Dina Zeldin

Hello! My name is Dina Zeldin and I’m a junior in Quincy House studying Applied Math with biology as my application area. I’m also pre-med. Outside of class, I’m an editor at The Harvard Crimson’s magazine, a peer educator for the Center for Wellness at HUHS, a course assistant for Math 19A, and a boba tea enthusiast. I’m happy to chat about navigating applied math and pre-med requirements, share advice on courses, and help you explore research and extracurricular netbet casino appopportunities, so please reach out!