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How To Get A New Computer Or Device On The Harvard Network

Before you can access the SEAS wired and/or wireless networks with a new computer or other networked device (such as a wifi-enabled cell phone), the device's Media Access Control (MAC) address must be registered.

SEAS' networks do not NetBet Casinooffer a registration portal for unregistered devices. You will need to follow the steps below to get network connectivity.

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You will need your HarvardKey credentials for this process.

Please register for the Harvard Secure wireless network: it is the faster and more secure of the available options.

Detailed instructions on how to register.

For wired access

Once you connect your computer to the wired network you will be prompted to go to and register your computer.

Once that is done, please issue a ticket to including your mac address so that you are placed in the right SEAS network.

Documentation with detailed steps on the registration process.

SEAS are now using a mobility network model whereby you will remain on the same network as you plug into different jacks around the SEAS campus. For technical details regarding the mobility network, please see the article, "Mobility Network" on the SEAS Computing wiki.

If you would like to register your device before physically connecting to a jack, you can do so via However, you will need to know your MAC address.

Review "How To obtain the MAC address from your system" if you don't know your MAC address.

Access the SEAS networks from off-campus (VPN)

netbet casino appMost SEAS network are only available to machines directly connected to the SEAS wired and/or wireless networks. If you find that you need access to these resources from outside the SEAS network, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection is required.

Harvard provides VPN software to establish a secure and encrypted remote connection to the campus networks at Harvard SSL VPN Service.

Use your HarvardKey credentials along with the two factor authentication to download and install the software. After installation, you can start the Cisco VPN Client.

In the VPN connect field, make sure you type in the location below to NetBet Casinoindicate that you want to connect to the SEAS tunnel.


The vpn client will open a browser to the HarvardKey login page. After logging in, you should have a secure connection to the SEAS network and access to most SEAS resources as if you were physically on-campus.

Access to that tunnel has to be requested via a ticket to Support Services.

More detailed steps, including screenshots and troubleshooting, are available on the HUIT IT Help site.

Should you have any question about this process, please contact Support Services.