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Powering innovative research and pedagogy by offering cutting edge computing capabilities to the SEAS community.

SEAS has a centrally managed partition on Harvard’s Cannon supercomputer, which is available to SEAS researchers. As of netbet live casinoSpring 2023, the partition has 110+ compute nodes with 5,500+ compute cores, 220+ GPUs, and 30+TB of memory. Overflow capacity is provided by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Research Computing (FASRC) group.

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Documentation & Resources

Specific information is available on running jobs on the SEAS partitions. A few SEAS-maintained resources are also available:

Data and Data Security

  • Four data tiers, and costs, are explained on FASRC’s Storage Center.
  • All data at Harvard is subject to the Harvard Research Data Security Policy and Harvard Data Security Levels.
  • Cannon is only available for data that falls into Harvard level 1 and 2 data.
  • If you have level 3 data, the FASSE cluster will be of interest.
  • Pedagogical/course computing needs can leverage the Academic Cluster, which is provided jointly by University Research Computing and the FAS Academic Technology Group.
  • NetBet CasinoOptions may be available for Level 4 and 5 data projects.

All Level 3, 4, and 5 data projects should be discussed with the SEAS Security Officer, Judit Flo Gaya.


Help for using Cannon and the FASSE cluster is extensively documented on FASRC's own documentation pages. Office Hours are available every Wednesday from 12:00PM to 2:45PM EST at the FASRC Office Hours. Additionally, please feel free to reach out to Jason Wells for SEAS-related research computing questions. Joining the SEAS-ResCompData Slack group above is also a great way to connect netbet casino appwith others knowledgeable people.