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Undergraduate Project and Student Organization Spaces

At the bottom of the staircase from the ground floor to LL1, you can see the entrance to the undergraduate-focused spaces, home to the Student Experiences group. The spacious open lounge area is a drop-in space for undergraduates to relax in between classes or after hours. This area opens into four workshop pods that are dedicated to use by SEAS students for prototype assembly and collaborative or individual project work. Additional adjacent spaces are reserved for use by student organizations. Opposite the workshop pods are the garage bays, which contain a range of ‘hot work’ equipment netbet casino reviewand appropriate facilities for students to do metal fabrication, vehicle projects, or large-scale project assembly.

Machine Shop

A fully outfitted instructional fabrication shop is just across the hall from the upper-level engineering student design studios. The space contains CNC mills, CNC lathe, waterjet cutter, welding suite, vertical and horizontal band saws, a CNC plasma cutter, grinders, and sandblaster. This space is set up to be primarily a teaching and academic shop for SEAS undergraduate students, where they may work on their more advanced project prototyping and final fabrication. Users are required to obtain access via a tiered certification system. 


The “garage” connects to a large back entrance, allowing vehicles of many shapes and sizes to be "driven" in and out of the workspace.

The undergraduate lounge NetBet Casinofor computer science concentrators.