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Lower Level 2_3

 The Master of Design Engineering (MDE) studio is designed for instruction, collaboration, and prototyping.

The studio (LL2.220) is central to the Master in Design Engineering (MDE) program. This room is designed for instruction, collaboration, and prototyping. It is the hub of activity for first-year students and program events, including workshops, socials, and reviews, and is often used from early morning through late night.

MS/MBA Studio 

The studio (LL2.201) offers MS/MBA students a physical space to extend their learning from required courses such as Design Theory and Practice, Technology Venture Immersion, Designing Technology Ventures, and Launch Lab. In addition to a lecture/discussion netbet casino reviewspace, the room includes a hardware prototyping zone with benches and a work zone with table seating.  Students gather in the Studio to work on prototyping for their startups, collaborating on team projects, brainstorming new venture ideas, and more.

Sunken Courtyard

Sunken Courtyard

A below-grade courtyard offers an open-air meeting area or lunch spot, and additional natural light, for those occupying the lower floors of the building.

Shared Facilities

Faculty and students can take advantage of specialized facilities, such as a two-story motion-capture lab, flight lab, molecular and cellular biology core, and optical imaging suite that occupy the basement levels of the building.